Indonesia Internships
SPRING 2024 The Global Tech Connect Internship Program is a comprehensive 90-day initiative based in Osaka, Japan. This program is designed to provide participants with… Read More »Indonesia Internships
SPRING 2024 The Global Tech Connect Internship Program is a comprehensive 90-day initiative based in Osaka, Japan. This program is designed to provide participants with… Read More »Indonesia Internships
Keisuugiken AI開発の最前線で活躍する エンジニアが講義します。 1回1時間半、12回コース pythonのソースコードを 動かしながら進める ハンズオン形式の技術講義 講演会 1 線形回帰 線形回帰モデル 線形基底モデル 正則化最小二乗法 2 線形識別モデル 識別モデル ノンパラメトリック推定、ガウス過程入門 3 データラングリング CSVやXMLなどデータの取扱 データの前処理 (読み込み、加工) データビジュアライズ 時系列データ入門 4… Read More »AI Lectures
Our Voice Assistant is a wearable smart device designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily life. This sleek and versatile neck-wearable device combines with its impressive features and capabilities.
AI-based autonomous driving evaluation cloud service that can be started immediately without the need for specialized equipment.
The KEISUU DRONE kit uses Raspberry Pi and ROS for autonomous flight control and Pixhawk and Ardu Pilot for stable flight control. The communication protocol uses MAVLink. ―These are de facto standards and widely used in the field of drone development, so if you master them, you can play an active role as a drone engineer anywhere in the world.
AI monitoring camera is a monitoring device using AI monitoring method and program.
This personal robot can be used in reception of the hotels and hospitals. It can talk the greetings with the customers and guide the customer which types of service they want to get.
This game can play by inserting objects into a hole similar to that object for a given period of time.